Wednesday, September 19, 2018

What Kind of a Deadliner Are You?

Yes, the picture of a dead-line is corny, but it got your attention. That’s what real deadlines are designed to do.

When it comes to meeting deadlines, there are three types of people. The first is the beaver, which starts preparing for winter early and is ready in plenty of time. This is the person who completes projects before they are due and can then relax, or the one who registers for a conference in time to receive the early registration discount. Even if the person decides not to register because of other obligations, that decision is made early and deliberately.

Then comes the squirrel. It runs around preparing for winter right up until there is no more food to gather. But when the time comes, it is prepared. This person may stress out by completing a project just before the deadline or may pay a penalty by registering at the last minute. Even so, the squirrel makes its deadline.

The third type is the rabbit. Some rabbits die in winter because they aren’t prepared for the harsh conditions. This is the person who waits until the last minute and loses track of time. When they finally remember to get it done, it is too late. The deadline for the project has passed and it cost the employee a raise or the writer another contract. Or conference registration has closed and the person discovers that there is no squish in the deadline. This person didn’t intend to “wait until next year” but has made that choice by his or her inaction.

Registration for the Steel Pen Creative Writers’ Conference closes on October 15, and there is no squish in it. The beavers registered during the early registration period, and the squirrels either took advantage of regular registration prices or will get it done before the deadline.

Then there are the rabbits . . . Don’t be one.

Go to to register for this year’s conference. If you haven’t made up your mind yet, that is also the place to go for more information. But don’t let inaction drive your choice.

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